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Rahbar e Kisan International
Abdul Rasheed Qureshi - Founder of Daily Rahbar Kisan Internation Lahore

Rebuilding Pakistan: Strategies for Overcoming Economic Challenges and Achieving Prosperity

Articles , English , Literature - جہانِ ادب , Snippets , / Tuesday, January 24th, 2023

A Pakistan Expatriate Views


Pakistan, like many other developing countries, faces a multitude of challenges that must be addressed for it to progress and thrive. Structurally, the country is plagued with issues of rampant corruption, red tape, and inadequate governmental infrastructure. Political instability has been a longstanding concern, with three democratically elected governments in the past ten years being replaced either through the military or with a dictator. This has made it difficult to enact any meaningful long-term policy decisions and bring about lasting change. This is due to the country’s long-standing history of military rule and coups, which has become deeply entrenched in the state’s culture.

Grave Issues:
Economically, the country is confronted with fundamental issues of poverty and lack of education. Over a quarter of the population lives below the poverty line, and much of the country lacks basic access to safe drinking water, health care facilities, and education. This has resulted in a high rate of illiteracy and has made it difficult for the country to transition to a knowledge-based economy. This is further exacerbated by the fact that the national debt levels are high, and the budget is so weakly constructed, making it difficult for the country to invest in the structural and educational development needed to bring about lasting change.

Socially, Pakistan is confronted with inequality amongst its diverse population. Issues such as religious intolerance, discrimination, and human rights abuses have been rampant, as have rigid gender roles and stratification. These issues have been deeply embedded in the country’s culture and have been difficult to address.

For Pakistan to truly progress and flourish, these challenges must be met and addressed. Only then can the country hope to achieve a more equitable and prosperous future.

What Can We do:

Pakistan has several initiatives it can take to get back on the road to prosperity. For instance, economic reforms such as reducing government spending and increasing foreign investment can help to stimulate the economy. Additionally, investing in education and training to improve the skills of the workforce can help to create a more competitive and productive workforce. Furthermore, developing industries such as technology and tourism can help to diversify the economy and reduce dependence on traditional industries.

India and China are two countries that have gone through similar circumstances and have been able to turn their economies around. In the 1990s, India implemented a series of economic reforms, including liberalizing trade and investment, privatizing state-owned enterprises, and reducing government regulation, which led to increased economic growth and improved living standards for the population. Similarly, China has achieved a tremendous level of economic growth over the past few decades by focusing on exports and foreign investment, as well as by investing in infrastructure and human capital.

It is important to note that these countries have taken different approaches, and it is essential for Pakistan to tailor its approach to its own economic, social, and political context to achieve the best possible results.

The Hope:

There are several compelling reasons to believe that Pakistan can overcome its current crisis and seemingly hopeless situation. To begin with, Pakistan has a young and growing population, which can be a source of future economic growth if properly educated and trained. Furthermore, Pakistan has a diverse economy, with potential for growth in industries such as technology, agriculture, and tourism.

Moreover, Pakistan has a history of resilience and resourcefulness in the face of adversity. For instance, Pakistan has managed to weather previous economic crises and political turmoil and has made significant strides in areas such as education and healthcare.

In addition, the country has the support of international organizations such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank, which can provide financial assistance and technical expertise to help Pakistan overcome its current challenges.

It is important to note that it would require a collective effort of government, private sector, civil society, and international community to address the current crisis. The process may not be easy or quick, but with a clear vision and effective implementation, Pakistan can bounce back and achieve sustained economic growth.

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