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Rahbar e Kisan International
Abdul Rasheed Qureshi - Founder of Daily Rahbar Kisan Internation Lahore

Global pressure builds for ceasefire as all sides seek victory in Gaza

English , International - بین الاقوامی , Snippets , / Thursday, August 15th, 2024

It is expected that there will be a strong diplomatic movement to stop the war, as Iran will link its non-response to stopping the war in Gaza. I believe that the circumstances have become very suitable, as each party will consider itself victorious over the other. Israel will consider itself victorious because it killed the head of Hamas, his deputy, and a group of the resistance’s military leadership, destroyed Gaza, and set it back decades. The resistance will consider itself victorious because it was not broken, and the Palestinian people in Gaza did not emigrate and endured all this destruction and did not surrender; this is a global experience of steadfastness that will be recorded in history. The Iranian party will consider that it was a major reason for stopping the war of extermination, and Hezbollah will consider itself the only one that stood by the Palestinian people and that it stopped the clash with the occupation when Israel stopped the war on Gaza. This is also the last chance for the United States to stop the war, as the circumstances and the pattern are now very appropriate, and it is its last chance to impose a ceasefire, especially since it realizes that Netanyahu has lost his political sanity and rationality, and that he himself seeks to destroy and dismantle Israel state, and that he has become a rebel, and that he has become an unbearable burden on the international community. Europe also realizes that Netanyahu is no longer suitable to remain in power, as he is causing the region to ignite without any additional benefit for the Israel state, especially after 10 months of the unprecedented and embarrassing war of annihilation for all international policies and interests in the region.

This is the appropriate circumstance now and the pattern that will attract everyone so that each party comes out and declares its victory, and ends this unprecedented massacre that is shaking the whole world. The loss of this chance will be catastrophic not only for the region but also at the international level.

Dr. Wael Shadid

Head of the Leadership and Diplomacy Center

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