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Rahbar e Kisan International
Abdul Rasheed Qureshi - Founder of Daily Rahbar Kisan Internation Lahore

Delhi’s sponsored farcical elections drama in IIOJK not substitute of ROSD in Kashmir: Syed

English , Kashmir - آزاد جموں کشمیر , / Sunday, September 8th, 2024

Altaf Hamid Rao.

MIRPUR ( AJK): Sept. 8 : Brussels-based Chairman of Kashmir Council (EU) Ali Raza Syed has said that after the Indian sinister  initiative to end the special status of Indian illegally occupied Jammu Kashmir state  on August 5, 2019, the fascist Modi government has now after 10 years, designed farcical elections drama as part of a nefarious conspiracy, in turbulent IIOJK this year.

By pretending to hold the socalled assembly elections in Occupied Kashmir in phases, Delhi have  planned another abortive attempt to the future by launching their hand-picked  favorite opportunist elements in the socalled Occupied Jammu Kashmir state Assembly, while the Indian imperialism has already denied the right of self-determination of the Kashmiri people recognized in the United Nations.

He expressed these views while talking to seasoned journalist Zaffar Mughal, newly-established Kashmir Committee  Chairman in Kashmir Press Club Mirpur here the other day.

Syed continued that as part of a conspiracy to change the demography in ancient Muslim-majority Occupied Jammu Kashmir, India  has  started settling Hindu settlements  by enforcing draconian laws to commit the worst violations of human rights in Occupied Jammu Kashmir.

He further said that at gun point through its occupying forces, India  has  prolonged the dark night of cruelty and brutality on the innocent Kashmiri people.  And till now millions of martyrs and thousands are victims of Indian oppression in prisons and prisons and for years the leading figures of Hurriyat leadership Syed Shabir Shah, Yasin Malik and Asia Andrabi are also in prisons continuously for the sake of the freedom of their motherland.  are closed.

On this occasion, Ali Raza Syed added that the sham elections held in occupied Kashmir under Indian rule in 2014 and the subsequent nefarious actions are before the world and there is no tomorrow for the insidious Hindus, he maintained.

He continued as saying ” his organisation stands united with all freedom loving forces to expose the worst violations of Indian oppressive occupation, human rights violations.

“We support the Kashmiris at the international level on the basis of their birth  right to self-determination”,  Ali Raza Syed further said adding that the Kashmir Center Europe Kashmir Committee will cooperate with the Kashmir Press Club Mirpur in every possible way and will jointly struggle to  achieve the Kashmiris right of self-determination under the spirit of UN resolutions, being denied by India for last 76 years.

He demanded the release of all the detained, arrested Kashmiris in India and IIOJK including the Muslim Hurriyat leadership, and the media’s access in the bleeding vale of IIOJK, he added.

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