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AJK observes Quaid e Azam’s 76th Death Anniversary with due solemnity, reverence:

English , Kashmir - آزاد جموں کشمیر , / Wednesday, September 11th, 2024

Altaf Hamid Rao.

Death anniversary:

MIRPUR (AJK) : Sept. 11: Speakers here on Wednrsday paid rich tributes to father of the nation and founder of Pakistan – Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah on the eve of his 76th death anniversary that was observed in this lake district besides rest of Azad Jammu Kashmir with due solemnity and reverence.

Our Special Jammu and Kashmir state Correspondent Altaf Hamid Rao reports from Mirpur that participants of a special pray congregation, hosted jointly by Kashmir Press Club Mirpur, Jammu & Kashmir Union of Journalists and Jammu & Kashmir Free Media Association (JKFMA) to mark the saddend day, offered fateha for the departed soul.

Cooked food was distributed among the poor and down trodden for the salvation of the departed soul of the founder of Pakistan by various social and political organisations to mark the due with renewed pledge of continuing the great mission of father of the nation to make Pakistan progressive and prosperous and the invincible fort of Islam.

Like all previous years, the death anniversary of the father of the nation was marked in AJK state with the renewal of the pledge to continue struggle for the completion of Pakistan through the liberation of occupied Jammu & Kashmir from Indian yoke and accession of entire Jammu Kashmir state to Pakistan since the late Quaid –e-Azam had described Kashmir as the jugular vein of Pakistan.

The major ceremony followed by a prayer meeting for the great departed soul, was held to pay rich tributes to Quaid-e-Azam, the founder of Pakistan, was held here on Wednesday under the auspices of Kashmir Press Club Mirpur, Jammu Kashmir Union of Journalists with the coordination of Jammu Kashmir Free Media Association and other organizations of the civil society and the government on the eve of his death anniversary.

It was attended by the city elite representing diverse segments of the civil society including social and political workers, senior Kashmiri journalists, members of the business community, Ulema and scholars.

Addressing the ceremony speakers including Kashmir Press Club President Syed Abid Hussain Shah, Secretary General Raja Sohrab Ahmed Khan, Ex President Sajaad Jirran, Convenor Jammu Kashmir Free Media Association Altaf H. Nizami, Sr. Journalist Kh. Shahid Iqbal, President Pakistan Medical Association Mirpur District Dr. Ejaz Ahmed Raja, Director Jinnah Hospital Dr Khalid Yousaf, Dr. Ayub Qureshi

and others paid rich tributes to Quaid-e-Azam for his life-time services for the Muslims of the sub continent through making a separate country for them through his high intellect and talent.

Speakers vowed the unflinching stance and determination declaring that the people of Jammu & Kashmir would continue their freedom struggle for the liberation of occupied Jammu Kashmir from the Indian illegal and forcible rule and for the achievement of their legitimate right to self determination.

They also reiterated the Kashmiris firm resolve to continue following the policy articulated by Quaid-e-Azam on Jammu & Kashmir State.

Speakers said that the best way to pay rich tributes to Quaid-e-Azam is to continue his mission with fullest national spirit for making Pakistan and fully prosperous and developed country as envisioned by late father of the nation.

Kashmir Press Club President Syed Abid Hussain Shah while speaking on this occasion, reiterated Kashmiris resolve coupled with the renewal of the pledge to continue to follow the firm and unequivocal national policy of father of the nation on Jammu & Kashmir State.

The participants of the ceremony offered fateha for the rest of the departed soul of the Quaid in eternal peace besides special prayers for the security, stability, integrity and prosperity of Pakistan – besides for turning the country the invincible fort of Islam as envisioned by the founder of Pakistan.

They also prayed for the early success of the Kashmir freedom movement through the early liberation of the occupied part of the Jammu & Kashmir state from long Indian subjugation.

Earlier, the day dawned with special prayers in mosques for eternal peace to the soul of Quaid-i-Azam and for the progress, prosperity and security of the country and the early success of the freedom movement of Kashmir to translate the idea of completion of Pakistan through the liberation of the occupied Jammu Kashmir and materialise the ideology of accession of entire Jammu Kashmir state to Pakistan, the Kashmiris ultimate destination.

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