On October 26th, the Zeal Toastmasters Club hosted an engaging “Speakathon” themed “Pink Power,” celebrating the strength and resilience of cancer survivors and caregivers. The event showcased the exceptional public speaking skills of club members and provided valuable feedback for improvement.
The meeting was presided over by Toastmaster Muna, with Toastmaster Thasni serving as the Toastmaster of the Day. The General Evaluator role was undertaken by Toastmaster Kamakshi Gopi. The timekeeper was Toastmaster Stephen, the Grammarian was Toastmaster Muna, and the Ah-Counter was Toastmaster Padma.
Four speakers took the stage, each delivering inspiring speeches on various topics. The speakers included:
TM Elizabeth, TM Rafeek, TM Yatika, TM Shilpa.
A panel of experienced evaluators provided constructive feedback to the speakers:
DTM Seema, TM Mujib , TM Jayant, TM Diana
The “Speakathon” was a resounding success, fostering a supportive and learning environment for all participants. The club continues to empower its members to become confident and effective communicators.
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