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Rahbar e Kisan International
Abdul Rasheed Qureshi - Founder of Daily Rahbar Kisan Internation Lahore

The most dangerous

Articles , English , / Monday, April 8th, 2024

Written by : Tahira batool
City: Faisalaabad
The most dangerous

Looking at the fearsome face of the tiger, a man would hardly believe that there could be a more dangerous enemy to humans than this formidable beast. But the fact is that the most dangerous enemy of humans is not a lion or a wolf. Its most dangerous enemies are bacteria, which are so small that they cannot be seen with the naked eye. These bacteria multiply so rapidly that under favorable conditions, a single bacterium can produce ten thousand organisms within ten hours.

While a lion or a wolf may harm an individual physically, every person is constantly under the attack of bacteria. There are thousands of types of bacteria. Fortunately for us, 99% of them are either harmless or beneficial. However, the one percent that is harmful is so dangerous that it can cause instant death. According to medical science, all deadly diseases are caused by bacteria. Due to their small size, bacteria can enter the human body through routes that are often beyond human control.

People often focus on major accidents as the cause of their downfall. However, the reality is that our smaller enemies harm us more than the larger ones. Our most dangerous enemy is our own minor shortcomings, which often go unnoticed but can ultimately ruin our lives.

For instance, every individual has the tendency to waste a portion of their daily time. People also tend to spend money on unnecessary expenses every day. While this time and capital may seem insignificant on a daily basis, when viewed over the course of a year or a lifetime, it becomes evident that individuals waste almost half of their lives and earnings on fruitless activities. When extrapolated to the entire nation, this loss becomes immeasurable.

Humans often view lions or wolves as bloodthirsty animals and attribute them as the cause of their destruction, while ignoring the threat posed by small viruses in the form of bacteria. Similarly, people consider major accidents as the primary cause of their destruction, but in reality, it is often their minor mistakes that lead to significant consequences.

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