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Today News Paper
Rahbar e Kisan International
Abdul Rasheed Qureshi - Founder of Daily Rahbar Kisan Internation Lahore

Topic:Fitnah of this time

Articles , English , / Monday, May 6th, 2024

Name:Maryam Abdullah

6 may 2024
Today when I was free in my university I observed something very strange that the mindset boys and girls these days have changed from what they were 10 years back from now they become social animals not only animals wild animals
I can really understand the rulings of islam now why it was not allowed for a women to step out and if she needs to she need to be covered and I can understand why the command of lowering the gaze was given to men, adult or university students are now showing their extreme behaviours, the origin of respecting girls is now gone boys/men no more respect girls/women there were times when there were some restrictions of language between girls and boys there were restriction of actions, we used to think before speaking even though we were not mature but now as we are matured we have became more like an animal what we run after is only food,sleep and opposite gender, and for that we will go to any extent even though pardah has now become a fashion everyone is fully covered yet naked I am ashamed of my pardah now at it does not differ you from any bad person it feels like my niyyah is wasted .These are some points I realized as soon as i stepped into the university and regretted instantly I did’nt wanted to waste my time with such filthy place “Yes for me universities have became filthy places” you no more acquire knowledge here what you gain is only connected with fitnah and now I am crying over my decision to choose to study further i could’ve remain an illetrate person that would be better for my akhirah I regret the day I fill out my form, I am ashamed to stand infront of Allah when he will ask me that was I not aware of it?? I will remain speechless.

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