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All set to commemorate Kashmir Martyrs Day tomorrow- July 13 with full solemnity, reverence:

English , Kashmir - آزاد جموں کشمیر , Snippets , / Friday, July 12th, 2024


Altaf Hamid Rao.

All set to commemorate Kashmir Martyrs Day tomorrow- July 13 with full solemnity, reverence:

MIRPUR (AJK) July 12: All is set  to observe 94th Kashmir Martyrs  Day at both sides of the line of control in Jammu and Kashmir State (AJK and IIOJK) and rest of the world on Saturday- July 13  to pay  rich tributes to the martyrs of Jammu & Kashmir especially  those 22 valiant sons of the soil who laid  down the supreme sacrifices of their precious lives 94 years ago this day on July 13 in 1931 in front of Central Jail Srinagar raising mutiny against the despotic dogra maharajah  rule.

The historic day is considered to be  the foundation stone of the Kashmiris struggle for  liberation of the motherland from the clutches of the cruel hindu dogra regime.

The Kashmir Martyrs’ Day: Youm-e-Shuhada-e-Kashmir is observed on July 13 every year not only at both sides of the Line of Control but also the world over by the Kashmiris to pay homage to 22 Kashmiris who were martyred in 1931 to free Kashmir from the brutalities of the  despotic Dogra rulers. The tragic day is the milestone in the history of Kashmiris struggle for freedom of the motherland  from dogra and later ongoing long  Indian forced and unlawful occupation for last 77 years.

It was revolt against atrocities on July 13, 1931 when people rose against the autocratic Dogra rule and protested against the prosecution of sympathizer of Kashmir freedom struggle, Abdul Qadeer Khan Ghazi.

The Jammu & Kashmir State people living at both sides of the Line of Control – Azad Jammu & Kashmir and Indian Illegally occupied Jammu Kashmir besides  rest of the world observe the Kashmir Martyrs Day on July 13 every year with the renewal of the pledge to continue the grand mission of the Kashmiri martyrs through perpetuating the freedom struggle, with full vigor,  for the achievement of the birth right of self determination and for the liberation of Illegally occupied Jammu & Kashmir from the tyrannical Indian rule.

Special prayer meetings, symposiums  will be the  hallmark of the Kashmir Martyrs Day across Azad Jammu & Kashmir as well as at various places in the strife-torn Indian Illegally occupied Jammu Kashmir Stste and rest of the world to observe the day.

It was on this day in 1931 when  the Dogra troops had gunned down 22 Kashmiris in front of the Central Jail Srinagar. A large number of people had gathered outside the jail protesting against the trial of a young man – Abdul Qadeer for treason inside the prison located in the highly security  zone.

According to an authorotative historian following  24 Kashmiri muslims embraced shahadat on 13th July 1931 raising mutiny against then despotic dogra maharajah rule during trial of Qadeer inside the Central Jail Srinagar which inclue:-


  1. Khaliq Shora
  2. Akbar Dar
  3. Ghulam Ahmad Rather
  4. Usman Misgar
  5. Ghulam Ahmad Bhat
  6. Ghulam M Halwai
  7. Ghulam Nabi Kalwal
  8. Ghulam Ahmad Naqash
  9. Ghulam Rasool Durra
  10. Ameer-ud-Din Makayi
  11. Subhan Makayi
  12. Ghulam Qadir Khan
  13. Ramzan Chola
  14. Ghulam Mohammad Sofi
  15. Naseer-ud-Din
  16. Ameer-ud-Din Jandgaru
  17. Mohammad Subhan Khan
  18. Mohammad Sultan Khan
  19. Abdul Salam
  20. Ghulam Mohammad Teli
  21. Fakeer Ali
  22. Ghulam Ahmad Dar
  23. Mughli
  24. Abdullah Ahanger

In Azad Jammu Kashmir, it will be  the state holiday on Saturday  to facilitate the people to participate in the events of the day from allover the liberated territory. This year too,  the Kashmir Martyrs Day will be flanked by a sign of a new hope, that if India agrees to the ground realities without any reservations and learn a lesson from the historical facts that she (New Delhi) cannot rule Kashmiris at gun point, may help bring a lasting peace and prosperity in the region through the early peaceful settlement of the Kashmir issue in line with the aspirations of the people of entire internationally-acknowledged disputed Jammu & Kashmir state.

In Indian Illegally occupied Jammu Kashmir State, a complete shutter down strike will be observed against the forced and illegal Indian occupation of bulk part of  the Jammu Kashmir State, says a report reaching  here on Friday from across the line of control.

Despite heavy restrictions imposed by the Indian  occupying forces to commemorate the day across IIOJK, Kashmiri Muslims will visit the graveyards of the Shuhada (martyrs) in Srinagar and other places to offer fateha – besides holding  special prayer meetings for the upholding of the status of the martyrs in heaven.


In the liberated territory of AJK, people from all walks of life will hold special prayer meetings besides staging rallies and seminars to pay rich tributes to Kashmiri martyrs in all district and tehsil headquarters across the liberated territory to mark the day.


Special Kashmir Martyrs Day meetings will be held to mark the day with due solemnity and reverence at all the  district and tehsil head quarters including Mirpur, Muzaffarabad, Kotli, Bagh, Rawalakot, Sudhanoti, Neelam valley, Haveili, Hattiyan and Bhimbher and all other small and major towns and cities under the spirit of various social, political and religious Kashmiri outfits besides the civil society belonging to all spheres of life including the business community, lawyers and the media groups all over  the state.

The scheduled special ceremonies to be hosted to mark the day,  will pay rich tributes to the Kashmiris martyrs of 1931 who were shot dead  by the then dogra rulers outside the Central Jail Srinagar for raising voice for the liberation of the motherland from the cruel Dogra regime.


The  Kashmir Martyrs’ Day, or  Youme Shuhada-e-Kashmir is observed on July 13 every year not only on both sides of the Line of Control but also all over the world by the Kashmiris to pay homage to 22 Kashmiris who were martyred in 1931 to free Kashmir from the brutalities of despotic Dogra rulers. The tragic day is the milestone in the advent of the Kashmiris struggle against foreign occupation which still continues under the Indian alien rule.

The history of Dogra rule (1846-1947) in Kashmir is replete with brutal treatment, perpetrated on the Kashmiri Muslims by Dogra forces. Under their rule, the life was made so terrible and miserable for the Muslims that it was difficult to differentiate them from beasts. Slave labour, heavy taxes, capital punishment for cow slaughter, and living under constant state-terror was order of the day.

On July 13, 1931, thousands of people crowded the Central Jail, Srinagar, to witness the in-camera trial of Abdul Qadeer. As the time for obligatory prayer approached, a young Kashmiri stood for azan. The Dogra Governor, Ray Zada Tartilok Chand ordered soldiers to open fire at him. When he got martyred, another young man took his place and resumed the Azan from the verse it was broken following the martyrdom of first Kashmiri speaker of the Azan. He was also shot dead. In this way, 22 Kashmiris embraced martyrdom in their efforts to complete the azan.

The people carried the dead and paraded through the streets of Srinagar, chanting slogans against Dogra brutalities. Complete strike was observed in the city, which was followed by weeklong mourning. This tragic incident shook the whole state and the traffic from Srinagar to Rawalpindi and Srinagar to Jammu came to halt from July 13 to 26, 1931. The 22 martyrs are buried in Martyrs’ Graveyard at Khawaja Bazar,Srinagar.

The atrocities against the Kashmiri Muslims did not stop even after the partition of the sub continent or United Hindustan. The human rights record of Indian government in the Indian-occupied Kashmir has been terrible and is characterized by arbitrary arrests, torture, rape and extrajudicial killings.

Since 1989 when liberation of Kashmir entered a new phase, Indian military troops have been using all inhuman tactics of ethnic cleansing to disturb the majority population of the Kashmiris.

Today’s occupied Kashmir presents the worst possible case of state terrorism where Indian forces threaten to eliminate entire masses engaged in demanding implementation of the UN resolutions. Various methods of state terrorism such as breaking the leg, burning of a Muslims populous village, fake encountrrs, search operations. custodial killings, etc., are mercilessly used against the innocent Kashmirirs, demanding their legitimate right of freedom. More than half of a million Jammu & Kashmir people have been massacred by the Indian military troops and security agencies so far during last 76 years.

Nevertheless, observance of Kashmiris’ freedom struggle on the Kashmir Martyrs’ Day on July 13, every year is reaffirmation of the fact that Kashmiris will continue to fight against Indian illegitimate occupation. In this connection, Youme Shuhada-e-Kashmir is an ideal day for the people of Jammu & Kashmir to seek inspiration to carry their struggle for freedom to its logical end. At this time of distress, the people of Pakistan and AJK side with the oppressed ones in sharing the grief of Kashmiri freedom lovers.

To reiterate full solidarity with the Kashmiri brethren, entire  Pakistani nation and the government  will also observe Youme Shudaha-e-Kashmir this year too, like all previous years, launching a protest against the continual  oppressive and unlawful Indian rule over bulk of the internationally-recognised disputed occupied Jammu Kasmir State.

July 13 –  Kashmir  Martyrs Day is also a message for Indians every year  that if the people of Kashmir did not bow down their heads before the tyranny of Dogra rule, as to how they will succumb to the despotic Indian rule

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