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Rahbar e Kisan International
Abdul Rasheed Qureshi - Founder of Daily Rahbar Kisan Internation Lahore

Continual deteriorating condition of innocent Kashmiri prisoners languishing in India’s infamous Tihar jail:

English , Kashmir - آزاد جموں کشمیر , Snippets , / Sunday, July 21st, 2024

Altaf Hamid Rao.



MIRPUR  ( AJK): July 21: The condition of thousands Kashmiri political prisoners  languishing in various jails in India and in Occupied Kashmir, including  Delhi’s notorious Tihar Jail is constantly deteriorating following lack of due treatment under the jail manual, says a report reaching here on Sunday from across the line of control  (LoC).

The above deteriorating conditions of the Kashmiri prisoners, languishing in the Indian jails, surfaced through an appeal lodged by the family of a kashmiri prisoner from IIOJK  Farooq  Ahmed Dar, currently the inmate of Tihar jail New Delhi to International  human rights bodies besides the Tihar jail authorities to ensure immediate fur medical treatment  to save his life after his frequent  blood vomiting were complained to the jail authorities seeking his immediate shifting to the hospital in New Delhi, the report said.

In the appeal, Dar’s family narrates as saying ” veteran Pro Freedom Leader Farooq Ahmad Dar,  held in Tihar Jail No. 2 since 24th July  2017 is provided immediate medical treatment and adequate diet. We have been informed that he has been vomiting blood since June 2022 when he suffered from COVID n his haemoglobin level had fallen to 7 points. Farooq Ahmad Dar has 26th Year in Detention n ICRC documents meeting him 32 times in various jails across India. He urgently needs to be transferred to a hopital for proper medical treatment as he is seriously ill in the backdrop of health emergency”.

“We urge the  Ministry of Home Affairs in India n Director General Prisons Tihar Jail  to ensure Farooq Ahmad Dar’s right to medical treatment, adequate diet and humane treatment” the appellant family said.

The Kashmiri jailed freedom fighters famiy continuesd in their appeal as saying  “we also hereby urge Indian authorities to abide by India’s Supreme Court Order dated 18 July 2024 ruling with regard to the right to bail in the event of long incarceration and improbability of the trial being completed in the near future.

It may be submitted humbly that the  Supreme Court of India in its orders dated 24th July,2017, 28th October, 2017 and 22nd November, 2022 has passed judgements that no case can be made against Dar.

“By delaying Farooq Ahmad Dar’s medical treatment n interim bail, New Delhi wants to extinguish one more lamp of Kashmir Freedom struggle”, Dar’s family contended, according to the report.

“Farooq Ahmad Dar should be immediately shifted to Srinagar  so that his family can provide him proper medical treatment n save his life. He also should be allowed to meet his daughter n Wife in person, the appellant family prayed, according to the report.

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