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Abdul Rasheed Qureshi - Founder of Daily Rahbar Kisan Internation Lahore

Life-threatening cracks in Mirpur-Kotli highway: Big portion sinks due to devastating rainstorm, substandard construction:

English , Kashmir - آزاد جموں کشمیر , Snippets , / Monday, July 29th, 2024

MIRPUR (AJK): July 29 : Life-threatening cracks have developed in a big portion of Mirpur-Kotli highway close to the periphery of Mangla dam’s reservoir, causing frightening of the local population of the area including travelers of any major untoward incident following the contnual erosion  feared to be expanded following  ongoing devastating monsoon rains.

Mirpur Divisional Commissioner Ch. Shoukat has reportedly directed the diversion of heavy traffic moving to and from Mirpur for Kotli and others major towns through the alternative Band Road route passing along the Mangla-dam reservoir.

Mirpur Divisional and District administrations has also advised all the concerned stake-holder departments including AJK highways, police and other rescuer agencies to remain alert and vigilant to deal with any eventuality in case of continuation of the breach.

The State Highway Department, has meanwhile been advised to execute repairing of  the highway overcoming  the enlargement of the sinking and  erosion of the busiest highway.

After visiting the affected portion of the Mirpur Kotli Highway at the site of Dhairi Choudhriyan township, along with the senior officials of the administration and the concerned departments to make immediate inspection of the site, Mirpur Divisional Commissioner  Chaudhry Shoukat told this Correspondent here on Monday that the breach followed by harmful cracks and erosian of the highways ‘bed were found developed at Dhairi Chaudhriyan site on Mirpur Kotli Road, about 06 km from Mirpur city.

A lane of the duel-carriage highway was immediately closed for all kind of traffic. However, the light traffic has been allowed to continue with extremely low speed at the affected site, the Commissioner said adding that the Mirpur Highway Department has been directed to start repairing the affected portion of the road with the construction of instant speed breakers at both sides of the affected portion of the highway, he added.

The Divisional Commissioner was flanked by senior district administration officials including AC Zahid Hussain, Tehsildar  Imran Yousaf Chaudhry Div. Director PID AJK Mirpur div. Javeid Malik, police officers and officials of the highway department during visit to view the collapsed site of the highway.

“The matter seems to be very serious since the affected portion of the Mirpur Kotli highway is close to left bank of the Mangla dam reservoir”, the  Divisional Commissioner has  reportedly informed the top AJK government authorities.

This APP AJK  Correspondent understands that n the past, a big portion of the Mirpur-Kotli highway, hardly half of a kilometer from current affected site, had washed away following the major erosion from the side of the Mangla reservoir – which was got repaired by the concerned department.

Police and rescue departments teams have been posted at the affected site of the highway to make the people alert and warn to stay away of the affected site especially which passing through the damaged road.

The Divisional Commissioner  Ch. Shoukat has, meanwhile,  has sought immediate detailed geographical survey of the affected site of the highway to avert any major impending threat to the men and material in case of continuation of the reported erosion and resultant  cracks in the highway.

It may be added that Mirpur division perhaps, has been the only part of Azad Jammu Kashmir which received heavy monsoon rainfall of the season by now. The area is still in the grip of torrential rains that played havoc in different parts of the region.

As a result of this, the entire Mirpur district also  remained affected facing partially paralyso of daily life especially in the New City, the latest township housing Mangla dam affectees, which suffered repeated land sliding- besides the erosion of the above sensative portion of the Mirpur Kotli highway

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