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AJK President terms August 5, 2019 as the darkest day in Kashmir’s history :

Articles , English , Kashmir - آزاد جموں کشمیر , / Sunday, August 4th, 2024

Altaf Hamid Rao


MIRPUR  ( AJK): August  4 : Azad Jammu Kashmir President Barrister Sultan Mahmood Chaudhry, while terming August 5 as the darkest day in the Kashmir’s history, has said that India’s apartheid regime’s move to strip the region of its special status was a brazen violation of the UNSC resolutions.

In his video message released here on Sunday on the eve of Youm e Istehsal, falling on  Monday, the AJK President said that the main motive behind the revocation of Article 370 and 35-A of the Indian Constitution was to change the political and constitutional status of the disputed territory of Jammu and Kashmir.

” India has been commiting state terrorism against the people of Occupied Jammu and Kashmir since a long time, however, the level of brutality and state repression has intensified significantly after August 5, 2019″, he said.
He, however, maintained that despite using alleans of oppression and suppression Indian government has failed in its attempt to break the Kashmiris’ political resolve.

” India wants to annex Occupied Kashmir forcibly, but the Kashmiri people have time and again refused to be a part of India”, Barrister Chaudhry said.

“The Kashmiri people want to determine their future in the light of the United Nations resolutions, which clearly recognize their inalienable right to self-determination”, he said.
He said that the Modi government wants to stage a fake election drama in Occupied Kashmir, but New Delhi needs to realize the fact that nothing short of plebiscite can satisfy the Kashmiris’ aspirations.
Barrister Chaudhry made it clear division of the state as a solution was not acceptable to the people of Kashmir.
He said that holding a referendum in the state to allow the Kashmiri people to determine their political future was the only way forward to settle the lingering dispute peacefully.
He said that Kashmiris’ struggle would continue till the independence of occupied Kashmir.

Barrister Sultan Mahmood Chaudhry expressed the hope that the international community would raise its voice in support of the oppressed people of Occupied Kashmir and against the persecution of minorities in India.

” India claims to be a secular state and the largest democracy in the world but the stepped up incidents of state-terrorism in Occupied Kashmir and persecution of minorities within India have left it totally exposed before the world”, he said.

Referring to the transitional killings, he said that the murder of a Sikh leader in Canada by the Indian agents has exposed India at international level.

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