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August 5, 2019 would go down in the history of Kashmir as the darkest day: AJK PM Anwar-ul-Haq

English , Kashmir - آزاد جموں کشمیر , / Sunday, August 4th, 2024

Altaf Hamid Rao.


MIRPUR  ( AJK): August 4 (APP): Azad Jammu Kashmir Prime minister Chaudhry Anwar ul Haq has said that August 5, 2019 would go down in the history of Kashmir as the darkest day.

“It marks the onset of a settler-colonial project that seeks to control, by all means, Kashmir and the Kashmiri people, take hold of their land and other resources”, the PM AJK said in his message released on the occasion of Kashmir Exploitation Day, being observed on Monday – August  05.

“By abrogating article 370 and 35A of the Indian constitution, unilaterally, the India’s apartheid regime led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi committed an egregious constitutional fraud”, the message said.

“The contentious move, aimed at suppressing the Kashmiris’ legitimate political aspirations, ran counter to the UNSC resolutions and other international covenants”, the PM added.

Following this illegal, unconstitutional and immoral move, the PM said, “The Hindu supremacist regime intensified its efforts to give a practical shape to its settler-colonial agenda that seeks to alter the region’s demography by settling outsiders (Non-state subjects)”.

“Bringing Israel’s settler-model in Kashmir, the Indian government enacted a series of new laws in addition to modifying Kashmir’s age-old domicile law, which ultimately paved the way for non-Kashmiris to settle in the state”, the message said.

In a bid to convert Muslim majority of the state into a minority, he said, the Indian occupation authorities issued fake domicile certificates to millions of non-state subjects since 2019.

“After the unconstitutional, illegal and immoral action of 05 August 2019, the occupied Jammu and Kashmir was turned into an open air prison”, the PM said adding that the people of Kashmir were imprisoned enmass in their homes, unable to communicate with each other, express themselves on social media, or make their voices heard through any other means

“A crippling siege coupled with communication blockade was imposed to make sure that no one raises his/her voice against this disgusting move, which pushed the dispute territory deeper into a quagmire of chaos and uncertainty that reigns supreme in the region”, he said.

“India’s illegal and belligerent military occupation of Jammu and Kashmir continues to pose a serious existential threat to Kashmir’s indigenous population that lives in a constant fear of being turned into a minority and eventually driven out of their motherland”, the AJK premier said.

He regrettably noted that the world community and especially the influential world governments chose to stay silent over the humanitarian crisis that unfolded in Kashmir in the aftermath of 5th August 2019.

He observed that despite the lapse of five years nothing has changed in Kashmir. “People in Occupied Kashmir feel suppressed, suffocated and robbed of their political and democratic rights”, he said.

The PM Haq paid eulogizing tributes to Kashmiri martyrs who laid down their lives for the noble cause of freedom.

“I pay my homage to the struggle and sacrifices of the resilient Kashmiri nation that stood to its ground against all odds and rejected the India’s unilateral move”, the PM said, adding that the valiant people of Kashmir have neither accepted the India’s illegal occupation of their motherland by India in the past nor would they accept it in future.

Stressing the need for resolving Kashmir issue peacefully, prime minister Chudhary Anwar ul Haq said, “Kashmir is a UN recognized disputed territory that needs to be resolved in line with the UNSC resolutions, which clearly state that the question of Kashmir should be decided through the democratic method of a free and impartial plebiscite”.

He said that it was high time that the international community especially the united nations must realize their moral obligations and play their due role to help resolve the lingering dispute peacefully in line with the Kashmiris’ aspirations.

He also urge the global community to shun its policy of indifference towards the Kashmir issue and hold the Indian government of the crimes it’s forces have been commiting against Kashmiris’ in the held territory of Jammu and Kashmir.

“I appeal to international human rights institutions and organizations to raise their voices against the atrocities and human rights violations in Occupied Jammu and Kashmir”, the PM said.

He expressed the optimism that the sacred blood of the  Kashmiri martyrs would ultimately pave the way for the freedom of Kashmir.

He said that the day was not far off when Indian imperialistic presence in Kashmir come to end and the sacrifices of Kashmiris would reach to fruition.

“Inshallah, we will achieve the long cherished goal our forefathers had dreamed of 76 years ago”, the PM said.

He saluted the Pakistan Army for creating an unprecedented history of sacrifices for the defense of the homeland and thanked the government and people of Pakistan for their all out political, moral and diplomatic support to Kashmiris’ legitimate struggle


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