On Thursday, a district and sessions court in Islamabad acquitted PTI founder Imran Khan in two additional cases related to the May 9 protests. Judicial Magistrate Umar Shabbir cited insufficient evidence for the acquittal. These cases, registered at Shahzad Town police station, followed Khan’s arrest from the Islamabad High Court (IHC) premises, which led to nationwide protests and attacks on military installations. PTI lawyers Mirza Asim Baig and Naeem Panjotha represented Khan, arguing that an unauthorized person filed the FIR and no evidence supported the accusations under section 109. On May 20, Khan had already been acquitted in another May 9 case from Khanna Police Station. The court emphasized that the evidence was insufficient to prove incitement allegations, adding that an accused cannot be deprived of legal rights without cause. The prosecution’s case was deemed questionable, and proceeding would waste the court’s time. Following the May 9 protests, nearly the entire PTI leadership faced various charges after Khan’s arrest in a corruption case.
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