Altaf Hamid Rao.
MIRPUR ( AJK): March 3 : An Unfortunate mother namely Fazelet Bibi, the widow of Muhammad Azam emerged at her news conference at the local press club here Monday accusing his real son Parvez, an employee in AJK police, of making her life unbearable.
“Despite being a police man, he regularly uses abusive language against her besides physically assaulting her, causing an immense humiliation and threat to her life”, Fazzelat BiBi, a resident of Janyal village, expressed her distressing experiences at a press conference held at the Kashmir Press Club in Mirpur on Monday
Fazelet Bibi appealed to the SSP Mirpur, Commissioner, and Deputy Commissioner to provide her due protection to her life besides penalising her son awarding severe punishment for his his extremely abusive character and immortal actions.
She lamented that her son’s behavior has disrupted her peaceful life, and she was now living in constant fear. Despite her repeated warnings, Parvez continues to harass and abuse her, leaving her no choice but to seek help from the authorities ¹, she sought due protection to her life from the concerned authorities.
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