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Today News Paper
Rahbar e Kisan International
Abdul Rasheed Qureshi - Founder of Daily Rahbar Kisan Internation Lahore


Articles , English , / Thursday, May 16th, 2024

Mardan KPk.

Patience is waiting without protest.Patience is the chief part of human life. Life as the collection of different events,having different situations experiencing by a normal person.If the situation is hard ,difficult to face,in this case either feel angry anxious weary or determine. It only the patience which works well.If some one is angry and not seeking vengeance this is self control.If anxious and placing trust in God ,its faith and if weary and standing strong ,its endurance . All these self control, endurance and trust in God are Patience in different faces. Patience is an abstract thing ,the process of heart and mind and effective persuit of human.
Quran says about Patience ” Endure with patience whatever misfortune strikes you” . So’ be patient with gracious patience .

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