Former Prime Minister Imran Khan, incarcerated at Adiala Jail, raised concerns with Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) Qazi Faez Isa on Thursday regarding challenges in obtaining legal assistance for his NAB law amendments case. Imran, attending the hearing via video link, informed the CJP that jail authorities denied him access to his legal team and facilities like a library to prepare for the case. These remarks came as a five-judge Supreme Court bench, led by CJP Isa, resumed hearing the accountability laws amendment case.
The court rejected a petition by the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa government to broadcast the hearing live. The federal government challenged the apex court’s previous verdict declaring amendments to the National Accountability Ordinance 2002 illegal. Justice Athar Minallah dissented from the majority decision, arguing for live-streaming due to public interest.
The court also questioned the lengthy proceedings in the Islamabad High Court (IHC) regarding the same case and criticized the suspension of laws through presidential ordinances. Justice Isa emphasized the need for detailed reasons when promulgating ordinances and dismissed intimidation attempts against judges during the proceedings.
Attorney General for Pakistan Mansoor Awan denied any threats against the judiciary. The case continues to be a focal point of legal and constitutional scrutiny.
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