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Rahbar e Kisan International
Abdul Rasheed Qureshi - Founder of Daily Rahbar Kisan Internation Lahore

QCDC and ‘Irtiqaiyun’ Celebrate Graduation of Sudanese Educators from Career Development Program

English , Qatar - قطر , Snippets , / Monday, September 2nd, 2024

Doha, Qatar – 2 September 2024 – Qatar Career Development Center (QCDC), founded by Qatar Foundation (QF), in collaboration with the ‘Irtiqaiyun’ Organization for Education and Development, celebrated the graduation of the 5th cohort of Sudanese teachers from its comprehensive career development program last Thursday.

The ceremony, held at ‘Multaqa’ (Education City Student Center), marked the conclusion of a series of workshops, training sessions, and activities that aimed to enhance the career development skills of more than 250 Sudanese educators, facilitating their integration into Qatar’s education environment.

Dr. Tajalsir Kardaman, Head of Career Programs and Services at QCDC, expressed his satisfaction with the program’s outcomes, stating, “We are very pleased to conclude this collaboration with both local institutions in Qatar and Sudanese organizations like ‘Irtiqaiyun.’ This initiative crowns weeks of efforts to develop the skills and abilities of the Sudanese community members. Through internal partnerships, we provided the necessary support to prepare them for integration into Qatar’s education sector.”

The ceremony was attended by His Excellency Mr. Alwaleed Abdullah, Deputy Chief of Mission at the Embassy of the Republic of Sudan in Qatar, along with the diplomatic staff from the embassy. Also in attendance were Mr. Abdulla Ahmed Al-Mansoori, Director of QCDC, Dr. Osama Salem Sahl, CEO of ‘Irtiqaiyun,’ as well as several representatives from the participating organizations.

Reflecting on the partnership, Dr. Sahl, CEO of ‘Irtiqaiyun,’ highlighted the significance of the collaboration: “Our organization is dedicated to enhancing the quality of education in Sudan, and today we celebrate the graduation of a new cohort of Sudanese teachers in partnership with QCDC. This is a strategic and highly significant partnership that fully supports the community and the education sector. We are delighted with this fruitful and successful collaboration, which we believe will continue for a long time and yield benefits for the community, particularly in the field of education.”

Graduates of the program also shared their experiences, with Mohamed Saber, a participant, noting, “Irtiqaiyun has always been proactive in guiding teachers towards meeting the standards and requirements for working in Qatar. What stands out is that the organization reaches out to you, providing everything you need to succeed as a teacher.” Another graduate, Anisa Awad, praised the program’s comprehensive support: “At first, we didn’t know what we needed to do. That’s when Irtiqaiyun reached out to us and guided us step by step, covering everything from exam preparation to excelling in job interviews. Their ongoing support will remain an essential part of our journey even after we start working in Qatar.”

The graduation ceremony celebrated the achievements of the graduates and reinforced QCDC’s commitment to empowering educators from diverse backgrounds with the skills and knowledge required to support Qatar’s educational landscape.

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