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Rahbar e Kisan International
Abdul Rasheed Qureshi - Founder of Daily Rahbar Kisan Internation Lahore

Topic: problem as an opportunity

Articles , English , / Thursday, May 9th, 2024

Name : Tooba Zaheer
City: karachi

Problem is basically generated with uncertainty. The thing which is not the part of daily routine, some people see problem as an opportunity and some see it as the worst thing in life. Actually, problem is an opportunity to come out from the comfort zone and try the thing which makes you uncomfortable to learn something new. We always feel fear to try something new and experience such as when we go to a restaurant but we do not try different foods; we always eat our favourite food because we do not know about the taste of new food, so we feel fear if it does not taste good and we waste our money. We play the safe game but the thing is you are habitual of comfort so you do not want to go out from your comfort zone. It’s not a good thing if you want to become a confident or positive person. You want to face challenges which make you uncomfortable. Problem comes with a solution. If you handle problem as an opportunity, you can achieve success in your life. Do not stress yourself too much if you think negative, all the things you see become negative, you find negativity everywhere, but if you think positively, you see everything is positive, nothing is difficult or worst. Taking small steps every day to come out of your comfort zone, change your negative thought with positive. We have met some people in our life who gave us the positive vibe, we are saying how chill or how positive the person is, but we do not have any idea about the person’s life, they are passing through the worst thing, but always positive. These people also give hope to others and light in other people’s life. And we are waiting for someone who came and save us, why we can not start saving ourselves by ourselves? On the other hand, we are inspired by the personality and we want to shape our personality like them, but we can not know how to start. If we are start saving ourselves by ourselves and we are being the charming light of someone’s life instead of waiting for the charming light, you have the power to be the charming light of someone’s life, so start doing. You have the solution if you are facing a worst problem, so be patient and gentle, there is nothing you can’t find in this world, all the things are in front of you if you change your thought.

The Quran 03:139 (Surah al-Imran):- “Do not lose hope, nor be sad. You will surely be victorious if you are true in Faith.
Keep turning each page of your life with faith,

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