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  Friday, February 21st 2025
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Rahbar e Kisan International
Abdul Rasheed Qureshi - Founder of Daily Rahbar Kisan Internation Lahore

Turkish President urges Gaza reconstruction, opposes Palestinian displacement

English , Middle East - مشرق وسطٰی , Snippets , / Friday, February 14th, 2025

Ankara, February 14 (QNA) – Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has called for accelerated efforts to rebuild the Gaza Strip, reaffirming his staunch opposition to the displacement of Palestinians from the region.
In a press statement during his return from an Asian tour, President Erdogan emphasized that the situation in Gaza is extremely sensitive and complex.
He noted that the events in the Gaza Strip have elicited significant reactions concerning international law and human rights.
Erdogan stressed the importance of always prioritizing a fair solution to this issue, stating that a just approach is crucial for protecting the Palestinian people and finding an equitable resolution to their cause.
He remarked that it is very important for the international community, especially major powers, to adopt a constructive stance to achieve lasting peace, while any form of cooperation and strategy on the path to peace is a positive step, the essential element is protecting the rights of the Palestinian people and providing them with a just life.
President Erdogan further added that healing the wounds of the Palestinians is possible through the acceptance of an independent Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders and building genuine peace by recognizing their rights.
Erdogan emphasized that the plan to displace Palestinians from Gaza ignores the rights of the people in Gaza and Palestine, a move that no Islamic country will accept.
He pointed out that such an approach does not contribute to achieving long-term sustainable peace; instead, it exacerbates conflicts.

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